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SanCap Disclaimers and Disclosures


Copyright © 2023 Santander US Capital Markets LLC  (“Santander”). All rights reserved. Santander US Capital Markets LLC is a member of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Santander US Capital Markets LLC is a limited liability company organized in the state of Delaware with offices at 437 Madison Avenue, New York, NY.

The following disclaimers are generally applicable to any and all electronic communications which Santander sends to you (including, but not limited to, email, instant message, chat, fax, and file sharing service, and any attachments, internet links, or other material as may be contained therein) (hereinafter “Electronic Communication”). Electronic Communications are further qualified by Santander CIB’s Website Terms and Conditions, regardless of whether you are deemed to be a Santander client or not.

Monitoring and Record Retention

Santander reserves the right to monitor, record, and retain Electronic Communications to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in a manner determined by Santander at its sole discretion.

Recording Conversations

For mutual protection, Santander may record any of your conversations with Santander without further notice to you.


This Electronic Communication is not intended as an official communication unless otherwise agreed. Any material contained herein is provided as an informational courtesy only. With respect to such material, unless otherwise stated, Santander is not making any predictions or projections relating to any trade ideas or disclosures relating to any economic outlook or market commentary. Unless otherwise stated, any views, opinions, forecasts, pricings, or estimates are those solely as of the date of their publication, and are subject to change without notice. Santander does not undertake, and disclaims any duty to undertake, to update or to revise such material as may be contained herein.

Santander does not represent or warrant that this Electronic Communication is accurate, timely, complete, secure, error-free or virus-free. Santander makes no representation or warranty as to the permissibility or legality of any financial instrument in any jurisdiction. Santander and its directors, officers, and employees disclaim any and all liability for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) arising out of your reliance on or use of such material as may be contained herein to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. By engaging in Electronic Communication with Santander, you understand and accept all risks associated therewith.

Third Party Data

Material contained in this Electronic Communication may derive from a variety of third party sources, and may be subject to change. Santander and its directors, officers, and employees disclaim any and all liability for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) arising out of your reliance on or use of such third party material to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

No Research

This Electronic Communication is not authored by a research analyst, nor is it the product of a research department, nor does it constitute research or “research reports” as commonly understood under the securities laws and regulations promulgated thereunder, unless otherwise identified as such. This Electronic Communication is not in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research, nor is it subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.

Any other Electronic Communications that are authored by a research analyst or are the product of a research department which constitute “research reports” as commonly understood under the securities laws and regulations promulgated thereunder are located on, and made available, on a strictly limited basis accessible to customers only in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

Santander may at any time enter into transactions for its own account, or for the account of its customers, which may affect product performance. In preparing material contained within this Electronic Communication, the author may have consulted or otherwise discussed the matters referenced herein with one or more of Santander’s trading desks, any of which may have accumulated or otherwise taken a position, long or short, in any of the financial instruments discussed herein or related hereto. Further, in connection with any financial instrument discussed herein or related hereto, Santander or any of its affiliates may act as a market maker or principal dealer, and may have proprietary interests that differ from or conflict with your own.

Not for Retail

This Electronic Communication is intended exclusively for institutional investors, as defined under applicable law and regulation, and is therefore not intended for retail customer use.

No Offer

This Electronic Communication does not, by itself, constitute a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or to enter into any transaction. Santander transactions may require completion of a formal, internal approval process, followed by execution of legal or transaction documents.

No Advice

Santander does not provide any investment, legal, accounting, tax, financial or other advice to you through this Electronic Communication, nor does it act as an advisor or fiduciary with respect to you. As such, Santander has no obligation to determine the suitability of any transaction described herein.

You are advised to undertake an independent review and evaluation of any transaction regarding the potential legal, tax, regulatory and accounting implications of any transaction, and any other investigation as you may consider necessary in determining suitability for you, prior to making any decision to transact in any financial market or instrument.

Past or Simulated Past Performance; Scenario Analysis

Past or simulated past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any illustrations contained herein are provided as examples only. Santander makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness of any such material, or the accuracy of any assumptions contained herein. Santander does not represent or warrant that any material contained in this Electronic Communication (including transactional documents, trading activity, and financial statements and reports) has been audited, nor that any specific results will be achieved.


Any transaction in any securities will be effected though Santander. Any material contained in this Electronic Communication which relates to Santander’s inventory of securities or other instruments: (i) is indicative in nature at the date and time specified, and is subject to change without notice; (ii) neither reflects the actual prices or spread levels at which Santander or any third party would purchase securities or other instruments from addressed recipient, nor constitutes a firm bid or offer, nor a solicitation of a firm bid or offer, to buy or sell securities or other instruments; (iii) does not reflect prices or spread levels at which securities or other instruments would be terminated or closed out at any time; (iv) takes no account of potential illiquidity due to the size of a transaction or the illiquidity resulting from the absence of an actively traded market; and (v) does not reflect the values of securities or other instruments carried on the books and records of Santander, or of the values produced by models used by Santander or other sources.

Guidelines for Handling Information Relating to Treasury Securities Auctions

The integrity of the Department of Treasury (“Treasury”) auction processes is critical to financing the U.S. government and maintaining confidence in global financial markets. Treasury expects auction participants to maintain the highest standards in their market practices and to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including Treasury’s auction rules.

Santander adheres to the Department of Treasury’s Uniform Offering Circular (“UOC”) that sets out the terms and conditions for the sale and issue of marketable Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. The UOC describes these securities, how they are auctioned, including how to submit bids, and the authorized payment methods. Santander activities are consistent with the Guidelines for Handling Information Related to Treasury Securities Auctions. Any information related to participation in Treasury auctions, or investment strategies regarding Treasury securities to be auctioned, will not be used by Santander as a basis for trades during a Treasury auction, unless that information is available from another source at the time of the trade.

Prospectus/Offering Document Delivery

Santander has adopted the “Access Equal Delivery” model for the delivery of offering disclosure documents. Under certain circumstances, SEC Rules 172 and 173 exempt the requirement of delivering a hard copy prospectus, official statement, and/or offering document to you. Rather you will be deemed to have received delivery of a prospectus, official statement and/or offering document by virtue of your ability to obtain this information on publicly available websites. Pursuant to a written request, Santander will deliver a hard copy of a prospectus, official statement and/or offering document related to your transaction.

Corporate Bonds

SEC Companies Search – Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (“EDGAR”):

Government Sponsored Enterprise Debt

Federal Farm Credit Bank:

Federal Home Loan Bank:

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation – Debt Securities:
Additional information available toll free at (800) 336-3672 or via email at

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation – Mortgage-Backed Securities:
Additional information available toll free at (800) 336-3672 or via email at

Federal National Mortgage Association – Debt Securities:
Additional information available toll free at (800) 237-8627

Federal National Mortgage Association – Mortgage-Backed Securities:
Additional information available toll free at (800) 237-8627

Government National Mortgage Association:
Additional information available toll free at (888) 446-6434

Municipal Securities

MSRB – Electronic Municipal Market Access (“EMMA”):

Prospectuses are prepared and filed by the respective issuer. Accordingly, Santander makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the materials. Please note that prospectuses may only be valid during the required delivery period and may not reflect current information regarding the securities offered or the issuer.

Restrictions on Trading

You understand that Santander may, in its sole discretion, prohibit or restrict you from trading securities or substituting securities purchased by you or on your behalf.

Anti-Money Laundering

To help the U.S. government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, U.S. federal law requires all U.S. financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person or entity that opens an account, along with those individuals authorized to trade on an entity’s behalf. In the event that Santander is unable to verify your identity, Santander reserves the right, at any time, to take such action as may be required in accordance with such law or its own policies and procedures which may include terminating its relationship with you.

Privacy Policy

Santander’s “Privacy Policy” is available here. You acknowledge that Santander may use and share information about you in accordance with those policies.


To the extent that such other terms or agreements are inconsistent with these terms, such other written terms and agreements will prevail.


Santander is a US broker-dealer and as such, it is registered with and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). The various US states’ securities laws also regulate broker-dealers within their jurisdictions. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the rules of the SEC thereunder, and the rules of FINRA prescribe an extensive scheme of regulation for broker-dealers. Once registered, a Registered Broker-Dealer is subject to numerous compliance requirements and obligations under the Exchange Act, as well as rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. While Santander’s compliance regime is directed to compliance with the above-mentioned applicable regulatory requirements, Santander also understands that certain clients may be subject to MiFID II. To accommodate these select clients, Santander has established a MiFID II-“friendly” approach as outlined below.


Consistent with the guidance provided by the European Commission and the UK Financial Conduct Authority, Santander will continue to charge dealing commission in the same way as it does today. However, Santander understands its MiFID II clients may benefit from additional support. Specifically, if you are able to represent to Santander that you (1) are subject to MiFID II, and (2) assert that MiFID II requires you to make additional payments to Santander in order to continue to receive Santander publications or other information provided by Santander, Santander will agree to accept any such payments that you deem necessary; provided, however that in the event US regulatory guidance ceases to allow for such payments, such payments will no longer be accepted. Alternatively, should you wish to cease receiving any Santander publications or other information provided by Santander, please send your requests to, specifying “Research” in the subject heading, and indicate which publications you are currently receiving, and whether you would like Santander to continue or cease distribution of such publications. Please note that Santander makes no representations as to any information distributed by it or its employees or consultants.

Trade Reporting

Santander understands that its MiFID II clients will require their counterparties to have a valid Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”) prior to placing any order to ensure that the client can report appropriately to its regulator. To that end, Santander has obtained the following LEI, 549300LGG2RLWD21SU97. Furthermore, Santander has the capability to transact on various fixed income multilateral trading facilities (“MTFs”) or, at the client’s election, via phone, with the possibility of assisting the client in transferring the trade to an MTF or an APA (designated by the client) for purposes of satisfying the client’s trade reporting requirements under MiFID II. Santander can also provide details and passport information for one or more representative trader(s) covering the client. Please send any requests, specifying “Trader Requests” in the subject heading, to

Investor Protection

As an SEC and FINRA regulated broker-dealer, Santander is required to comply with various “best execution” policies as established under FINRA Rule 5310. We note, however, that those policies differ from the requirements under MiFID II, and Santander makes no representation as to any compliance with “best execution” requirements under MiFID II. In addition, Santander only transacts with “institutional account” clients (as defined under FINRA Rule 4512(c)) and each such client is responsible for making its own suitability determinations (either directly or through its asset manager, if applicable). For the avoidance of doubt, Santander makes no determination or representation to characterize clients as eligible counterparties, professional clients or any other designation, other than as set forth in the foregoing sentence.

Santander’s trading capacity includes “acting for its own account” (dealing as principal) and carrying out “matched principal trading” (engaging in riskless principal trading). Santander does not deal as agent on behalf of its clients, other than in equities if expressly requested by the client.

If you have any questions with respect to the above, please contact us at We look forward to continuing our relationship.

Important disclosures for non-us customers

Copyright © 2023 Santander US Capital Markets LLC  (“Santander”). All rights reserved. Santander is a securities broker-dealer registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and various state securities regulators in the United States.  Santander is not registered with, and does not intend to register with, regulatory authorities outside the United States.  Santander does not offer any services to persons outside the United States that would require Santander to become a registered or licensed in any non-US jurisdiction.

This material is being provided to you in connection with securities referenced in this Electronic Communication (the “Securities”), which Santander’s personnel may, from Santander’s office(s) in the United States, sell or purchase to the extent permitted by applicable local law.  The Securities may not be licensed for public sale in every jurisdiction, and restrictions may apply to subsequent transfers.  Any non-US investor who acquires the Securities does so under the investor’s own responsibility.  Without limiting the foregoing, Santander provides the following important notices:

Notice to Residents of Austria

This document constitutes marketing material.  This document does not constitute “investment recommendations” or “information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy” for purposes of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.  Any reference in this document to a particular tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

The sole purpose of this document is to provide general information.  The transmission of this information does not constitute an offer or an invitation to subscribe or purchase financial instruments, nor a recommendation to purchase financial instruments or an offer or acceptance of an offer to conclude a consultancy agreement.  The information contained in this document, and all other information or documents transmitted in connection with this document, do not form a basis for any contractual or other obligation, nor do they replace a consultation of (legal, financial or tax) advisors by the recipient.  Historical data and information must not be taken as an implication in relation to any future performance.

Unless specifically set forth to the contrary herein, the information provided in this document is not intended to constitute disclosure documents, performance information or public release required under the laws of Austria.

The information contained in this document may include certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operation and business, distribution amounts, and strategy.  By their very nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive and speculative and involve risk and uncertainty, because they relate to events and also depend on circumstances that will occur in future.  Should the risks and uncertainties materialize, or should the underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results or performance may vary materially from those described implicitly or explicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement.  Given these uncertainties, readers should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statement.  Santander neither intends nor assumes any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, and the expectations or assumptions associated with them, except as required by applicable laws and regulations.

While the information is intended to be thorough, there is absolutely no assurance or warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or fairness of the same.  Accordingly, Santander does not accept any liability that the information provided therein is accurate, complete and in accordance with the facts.

English terms for Austrian legal, accounting, tax, and business concepts in this document may not be precisely identical to the concept of their respective equivalent Austrian terms.  No assurance or warranty is given for the completeness or accuracy of English translations.  With respect all terms used in this document, including, without limitation, financial statements, if there are any discrepancies in the meaning or interpretation of such terms between the original language and the English translations thereof, the original term in the original language, respectively, will always govern the meaning and interpretation of such term.

This document is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and other applicable laws of each country.  Except for personal, non-commercial internal use, you are strictly prohibited to use (including duplication, reproduction, modification, publication, distribution, or any commercial use of) any of the materials and the information in this document, without our prior written consent.

Historical data and information must not be taken as an implication in relation to any future performance.

Notice to Residents of Bolivia

Santander does not conduct in the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Bolivia) and is not authorized to conduct in Bolivia activities reserved by law for locally licensed entities. The services offered do not concern securities registered with the Bolivian Stock Market Registry and will be provided from Santander’s offices outside of Bolivia.

Santander no realiza en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Bolivia) ni está autorizado en Bolivia para realizar actividades reservadas por Ley para las entidades autorizadas. Los servicios ofrecidos no conciernen Valores registrados con el Registro del Mercado de Valores Boliviano, y serán proveídos desde las oficinas de la Santander fuera de Bolivia.

Notice to Residents of Chile

The offer of the Securities began on the date of the attached document and is subject to General Rule No. 336 of the Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF).  The Securities are not registered in the Securities Registry (Registro de Valores) or in the Foreign Securities Registry (Registro de Valores Extranjeros) of the CMF and, therefore, they are not subject to the supervision of the CMF.  Because the securities are unregistered, we are not required to disclose public information about them in Chile.  These securities may not be publicly offered in Chile unless they are registered in the corresponding securities registry.

La oferta de los Valores comenzó en la fecha que se indica en el documento adjunto y está sujeta a la Norma General Nro. 336 de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF).  Los Valores que se ofrecen no están registrados en el Registro de Valores ni en el Registro de Valores Extranjeros del CMF y, por lo tanto, no están sujetos a la supervisión del CMF. Al ser valores no registrados, no estamos obligados a divulgar información al público sobre estos Valores en Chile. Estos valores no pueden ofrecerse al público en Chile a menos que estén registrados en el correspondiente registro de valores.

Notice to Residents of Colombia

The Securities have not been and will not be registered before the Colombian National Registry of Securities and Issuers or with any Colombian securities exchange or trading system.

This does not constitute and may not be used for, or in connection with, a public offering as defined under Colombian law and shall be valid in Colombia only to the extent permitted by Colombian law.  The Securities may only be exchanged inside the territory of the Republic of Colombia to the extent permitted by Colombian law.

This is for the sole and exclusive use of the addressee as a designated individual/investor, and cannot be considered as being addressed to or intended for the use of any third party, including any of such party´s shareholders, administrators or employees, or by any other third party resident in Colombia.  The information contained in this memorandum is provided for illustrative purposes only and no representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.

Please note that, under Colombian regulations, any offering addressed to 100 or more named individuals or companies shall be considered a public offering requiring prior approval of Colombia’s Financial Superintendency and listing on the Colombian Stock Exchange.

Notice to Residents of the Dominican Republic

Nothing in this document constitutes a public offering of securities for sale in the Dominican Republic.  The Securities have not been, and will not be, registered with the Superintendence of the Securities Market of the Dominican Republic (Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores), under Dominican Securities Market Law No. 249-17, and the securities may not be publicly offered or sold within the territory of the Dominican Republic.

Notice to Residents of France

This document constitutes marketing material.  This document does not constitute “investment recommendations” or “information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy” for purposes of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.  Any reference in this document to a particular tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

The sole purpose of this document is to provide general information.  The transmission of this information does not constitute an offer or an invitation to subscribe or purchase financial instruments, nor a recommendation to purchase financial instruments or an offer or acceptance of an offer to conclude a consultancy agreement.  The information contained in this document, and all other information or documents transmitted in connection with this document, do not form a basis for any contractual or other obligation, nor do they replace a consultation of (legal, financial or tax) advisors by the recipient.

Unless specifically set forth to the contrary herein, the information provided in this document is not intended to constitute disclosure documents, performance information or public release required under the laws of France.

The information contained in this document may include certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operation and business, distribution amounts, and strategy.  By their very nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive and speculative and involve risk and uncertainty, because they relate to events and also depend on circumstances that will occur in future.  Should the risks and uncertainties materialize, or should the underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results or performance may vary materially from those described implicitly or explicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement.  Given these uncertainties, readers should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statement.  Santander neither intends nor assumes any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, and the expectations or assumptions associated with them, except as required by applicable laws and regulations.

While the information is intended to be thorough, there is absolutely no assurance or warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or fairness of the same.  Accordingly, Santander does not accept any liability that the information provided therein is accurate, complete and in accordance with the facts.

English terms for French legal, accounting, tax, and business concepts in this document may not be precisely identical to the concept of their respective equivalent French terms.  No assurance or warranty is given for the completeness or accuracy of English translations.  With respect all terms used in this document, including, without limitation, financial statements, if there are any discrepancies in the meaning or interpretation of such terms between the original language and the English translations thereof, the original term in the original language, respectively, will always govern the meaning and interpretation of such term.

This document is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and other applicable laws of each country.  Except for personal, non-commercial internal use, you are strictly prohibited to use (including duplication, reproduction, modification, publication, distribution, or any commercial use of) any of the materials and the information in this document, without our prior written consent.

Notice to Residents of Germany

This document constitutes marketing material.  This document does not constitute “investment recommendations” or “information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy” for purposes of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.  Any reference in this document to a particular tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

The sole purpose of this document is to provide general information.  The transmission of this information does not constitute an offer or an invitation to subscribe or purchase financial instruments, nor a recommendation to purchase financial instruments or an offer or acceptance of an offer to conclude a consultancy agreement.  The information contained in this document, and all other information or documents transmitted in connection with this document, do not form a basis for any contractual or other obligation, nor do they replace a consultation of (legal, financial or tax) advisors by the recipient.

Unless specifically set forth to the contrary herein, the information provided in this document is not intended to constitute disclosure documents, performance information or public release required under the laws of Germany.

The information contained in this document may include certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operation and business, distribution amounts, and strategy.  By their very nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive and speculative and involve risk and uncertainty, because they relate to events and also depend on circumstances that will occur in future.  Should the risks and uncertainties materialize, or should the underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results or performance may vary materially from those described implicitly or explicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement.  Given these uncertainties, readers should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statement.  Santander neither intends nor assumes any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, and the expectations or assumptions associated with them, except as required by applicable laws and regulations.

While the information is intended to be thorough, there is absolutely no assurance or warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or fairness of the same.  Accordingly, Santander does not accept any liability that the information provided therein is accurate, complete and in accordance with the facts.

English terms for German legal, accounting, tax, and business concepts in this document may not be precisely identical to the concept of their respective equivalent German terms.  No assurance or warranty is given for the completeness or accuracy of English translations.  With respect all terms used in this document, including, without limitation, financial statements, if there are any discrepancies in the meaning or interpretation of such terms between the original language and the English translations thereof, the original term in the original language, respectively, will always govern the meaning and interpretation of such term.

This document is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and other applicable laws of each country.  Except for personal, non-commercial internal use, you are strictly prohibited to use (including duplication, reproduction, modification, publication, distribution, or any commercial use of) any of the materials and the information in this document, without our prior written consent.

Notice to Residents of Guatemala

This communication and any accompanying information (the “Information”) are intended solely for informational purposes and do not constitute (and should not be interpreted to constitute) the offering, selling, or conducting of business with respect to such Securities or services in Guatemala or the conducting of any brokerage, banking, or other similarly regulated activities in Guatemala.  Neither Santander nor the Securities and services described herein are registered (or intended to be registered) in Guatemala and are not regulated or supervised by any governmental or similar authority in Guatemala.  This Information is private, confidential, and sent only for the exclusive use of the addressee.  The Information must not be publicly distributed, and any use of the Information by anyone other than the addressee is not authorized.  The addressee is required to comply with all applicable Guatemalan laws, including, without limitation, tax laws and exchange control regulations, if applicable.

Notice to Residents of Honduras

This communication and any accompanying information (the “materials”) are intended solely for informational purposes and do not constitute (and should not be interpreted to constitute) the offering, selling, or conducting of business with respect to such Securities, products, or services in Honduras or the conducting of any brokerage, investment advisory, or other similarly regulated activities in Honduras.  Neither the issuer nor the Securities, products, and services described herein are registered (or intended to be registered) in Honduras and are not regulated or supervised by any governmental or similar authority in Honduras.  The materials are private, confidential, and sent only for the exclusive use of the addressee.  The materials must not be publicly distributed, and any use of the materials by anyone other than the addressee is not authorized.  The addressee is required to comply with all applicable Honduran laws, including, without limitation, tax laws and exchange control regulations.

Notice to Residents of Mexico (in red ink or font size that is 2 points larger than surrounding text)

The Securities may not be publicly offered or traded in Mexico unless the same are offered or traded pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Mexican Securities Market Law (Ley del Mercado de Valores) and regulations issued thereunder.  The information contained herein is solely the responsibility of the issuer of the Securities and has not been reviewed or authorized by the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores or CNBV).

The Securities offered have not been and will not be registered with the Registro Nacional de Valores (National Registry of Securities) of the CNBV.  Neither this nor any other offering material related to the offering of the Securities may be utilized in connection with any general offering to the public within the United Mexican States for the purpose of the sale of the Securities.  Any investor of Mexican nationality who acquires the Securities will do so under their own responsibility.

Notice to Residents of Panama (at least 8-point font)

The Securities have not been and will not be registered with the Superintendency of Securities Market of the Republic of Panama under the Single Text of Decree Law No. 1 of 8 of July of 1999 (the Panamanian Securities Act) and may not be offered or sold within Panama except in certain limited transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Panamanian Securities Act.  The Securities do not benefit from the tax incentives provided by the Panamanian Securities Act and are not subject to regulation or supervision by the Superintendency.

Notice to Residents of Singapore

This is published by Santander and relates exclusively to Securities that are bonds (as defined by the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations).  Santander is distributing this to expert investors and/or accredited investors in reliance on Regulation 28 of the Financial Advisers Regulations.  This should not be distributed in Singapore to a person who is not an accredited investor or an expert investor (as defined by the Securities and Futures Act (the SFA)).  This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or form any part of an offer of securities (as defined in the SFA).

Notice to Residents of Switzerland

This document is being communicated only to selected investors.  This document is addressed to a specifically named recipient and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, or passed on to third parties.

The issuer of the Securities is not a collective investment scheme within the meaning of the Swiss Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006 and its implementing regulations and has not been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).  The Securities and any related marketing material may not and will not be publicly offered, sold, advertised, distributed, or redistributed, directly or indirectly, in or from Switzerland. No solicitation for investments in the Securities may be extended, distributed, or otherwise made available in Switzerland in any way that could constitute a public offering pursuant to articles 1156 or 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations (“SCO”).  This document or any other offering or marketing material relating to the Securities does not constitute an offering prospectus pursuant to articles 652a and 1156 SCO and may not comply with the information standards required thereunder.

The issuer of the Securities has not applied for a listing of the Securities on the SIX Swiss Exchange or any other regulated securities market in Switzerland, and, consequently, the information presented in this document does not necessarily comply with the information standards set out in the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange.  Neither this information nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Securities have been or will be filed with or approved by any Swiss regulatory authority.  Distribution of this document does not oblige Santander to enter in any transaction.  Potential investors are advised to independently review and/or obtain independent professional advice and draw their own conclusions regarding the economic benefit and risks of an investment in the Securities and the legal, regulatory, tax, and accounting aspects of such an investment in view of their particular circumstances.  Potential investors shall be exclusively responsible for taking their own investment and/or disinvestment decisions and shall be fully and exclusively responsible for their choice of investments or divestments.  Santander makes no representation as to any matter or as to the accuracy or completeness of any statements made herein or made at any time orally or otherwise in connection herewith, and all liability in respect of any such matters or statements is expressly excluded.

Notice to Residents of Trinidad and Tobago

The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission has not in any way evaluated the merits of the securities offered hereunder and any representation to the contrary is an offence.

Notice to Residents of the United Kingdom

This document is only addressed to, and directed at, persons who are qualified investors within the meaning of Article 2(1)(e) of the Prospectus Directive (Directive 2003/71/EC), as amended (“Qualified Investors”). In addition, this document is addressed and directed only at Qualified Investors who (i) are persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (all such persons being referred to as “relevant persons”). Any investment or investment activity to which this document relates is available only to relevant persons, and will be engaged in only with such persons. Other persons should not rely or act upon this document or any of its contents.

Notice to Residents of Uruguay

The Securities are not and will not be registered before the Central Bank of Uruguay.  The Securities are not and will not be offered publicly in or from Uruguay and are not and will not be traded on any Uruguayan stock exchange.  This offer has not been and will not be announce to the public, and offering materials will not be made available to the general public except in circumstances that do not constitute a public offering of securities in Uruguay in compliance with the requirements of the Uruguayan Securities Market Law (Law No 18.627 and Decree 322/011).  The securities will be offered in or from Uruguay only on a private placement basis.  Public advertising of this offering is and will be avoided.

Confidentiality and Restriction on Further Distribution of Materials

The materials that accompany these disclosures are provided to certain persons as part of a private offering of the Securities.  These and any other materials provided by Santander are confidential and are intended solely for the recipients to whom Santander provides them.  They may not be reproduced or distributed to other persons.  These materials may not be utilized in connection with any public offering of the Securities.